Plan to spend 40 minutes on this exercise

  1. Consider a locus with two alleles, A and a. This gene is subject to mutation process (mutation rate mu) and selection. The selection acts agains aa homozygoutes (survival is 0.3). It was determined that the carrier frequency in the population is 0.00076. Question: what is the mutation rate, mu?answer
  2. Consider a locus with two alleles, A and a. This gene is subject to mutation process (mutation rate mu = 10-5) and selection pressure. The selection acts agains aa homozygoutes (survival is 0.3). Question: what is the frequency of allele a, q? What is the carrier frequency?answer
  3. Consider a locus with two alleles, A and a. This gene is subject to mutation process (mutation rate mu = 10-6) and selection pressure. The selection acts agains aa homozygoutes (survival is 0.7). Question: what is the frequency of allele a, q? What is the carrier frequency?answer
  4. In a population, a mutation D is present with frequency of 20%. This mutation is neutral. At some point in the time, the enviroment changes and the mutation starts affecting survival. Namely, when homozygous, it leads to 20% mortality (so 8 out of 10 survive). Assume no mutation. How many generation will it take before the frequency is reduced
    1. Two-fold?
    2. Four-fold?
    3. Ten-fold?
  5. Repeat previous exercise, using initial frequency of 0.05 and mutation rate of 1 in billion (10-9).