METHGI 3.0 --- the set of subroutines for finding maximum of a multiparametric function
Copyright 1984-1989 A.M. Fedotov, E.Kh. Ginsburg, T.I. Axenovich and Y. S. Aulchenko (Computing Center SD AS USSR and Institute of Cytology and Genetics SD AS USSR)
Currently, METHGI is available in three forms
Description |
Fortran-77 version of METHGI. This version should be considered as stable one (first versions created at early 1980s, and were modified, corrected and improved for many times) |
C++ version of METHGI. Translated from Fortran-77. This version was not extensively tested and should be considered as beta. |
Fortran-90 version of METHGI. Translated from Fortran-77. This version was not extensively tested and should be considered as beta (or even gamma). |
Each package contains documentation. These documents are different (in contents and quality as well).
We strongly suggest using th Fortran-77 version, well-known for its reliability. Though other versions were translated from the Fortran-77 with slight modifications, these versions were not tested for years (as it was for Fortran-77 version).