
famFLM: A region-based association test for familial data under functional linear models

A new and improved version of famFLM is now a part of the FREGAT R package available on CRAN
The FREGAT package supplies the most common and efficient tests for the region-based association analysis aimed at identification of rare genetic variants for family-based, genetically related or population samples. Along with famFLM, burden tests, FFBSKAT and FFBSKAT optimal are implemented.

DOWNLOADS (Please use FREGAT package for newer version of famFLM() function!):

famFLM R-function (with usage information inside):
Example data:


famFLM requires R packages 'GenABEL' (for null model estimation) and 'fda' (for functional basis estimation). To enable parallel calculation, packages 'foreach' and 'doSNOW' should be installed. To install R packages automatically from CRAN repositories, please use in R:

install.packages(c('GenABEL', 'fda', 'foreach', 'doSNOW'))

famFLM is a freeware for non-commercial use. It is distributed under GPLv3 license.

If you use famFLM in your work, please cite:
Svishcheva, G.R., Belonogova, N.M. and Axenovich, T.I. (2015) Region-based association test for familial data under functional linear models. PLoS One, 10, e0128999.

Please send your comments and bug reports to:
Gulnara Svishcheva (gulsvi@mail.ru)
Nadezhda Belonogova (belon@bionet.nsc.ru)

Last modified: 28-03-2016