DESC_STA is a program which makes basic descriptive statistics for samples from the normal distribution. It calculates the mean, variance, standart deviation and standart error of the mean.
The input data _have to be_ in a following format:
my_data_on_height 3
in_human 1.50 1.83 2.01 1.783 2 1.6 fins
So you must have a file like this:
my_data_on_height 3 in_human 1.50 1.83 2.01 1.783 2 1.6 f in_trees 124 124 275 125 134 178 198 190 156 21 36 389 387 905 498 f in_my_family 1.67 1.78 1.24 f
One more example is provided in file named "input.dat"
The usage sintaxis is, for example:
The parameters in brackets are optional ones. Here "input.dat" is a file containing your data, "output.dat" is an output file, which is made by the program. It contains mean, variance, standart deviation and standart error of the mean of a set of your data. If you have not specified a input and output data files' names the program will search for "input.inp", which is default name for input data file and will write information into file named "output.out".
This software is distributed free _without any_ warranty.
Please report any bugs and send your comments and suggestions to