A new and improved version of FFBSKAT is now a part of the FREGAT R package available on CRAN
FREGAT R package supplies the most common and efficient tests for the region-based association analysis aimed at identification of rare genetic variants for family-based, genetically related or population samples. Along with FFBSKAT and FFBSKAT optimal, burden tests and functional linear models are implemented.

FFBSKAT is an efficient tool for region/gene association analysis of quantitative traits in samples of related individuals. This software is an exact implementation of sequence kernel association test based on the kernel machine regression for familial data described in Schifano et al. [2012], Chen et al. [2013], Oualkacha et al. [2013].

DOWNLOADS (Please use FREGAT package for newer version of FFBSKAT() function!):

Reference manual:
Package source:
Windows binary:


To install the FFBSKAT package, please call within R:
install.packages('path/to/FFBSKAT_1.0.*', repos = NULL)
where FFBSKAT_1.0.* is one of the source files available for download above (depending on your operating system).

FFBSKAT uses several R-packages that can be downloaded and installed automatically from CRAN repositories. To install them, please use:
install.packages(c('GenABEL', 'CompQuadForm', 'survey', 'foreach', 'doSNOW', 'SKAT'))

FFBSKAT is a freeware for non-commercial use. It is distributed under GPLv3 license.

If you use FFBSKAT in your work, please cite:
Svishcheva, G.R., Belonogova, N.M. and Axenovich, T.I. (2014) FFBSKAT: fast family-based sequence kernel association test. PLoS One, 9, e99407.

Please send your comments and bug reports to:
Gulnara Svishcheva (gulsvi@mail.ru)
Nadezhda Belonogova (belon@bionet.nsc.ru)

Last modified: 28 March 2016